Friday, July 23, 2010


Coming back and having school for the next week (after camp) was absolutely refreshing. There's these things called "verbs of motion" and they are so complicated! We worked on them all week, and I'm still a little lost. Good thing there are 3 more weeks to go! I've been trying to read Russian lyrics for hit songs, but I don't always have my computer, and I don't know how to use the printer here. Oh well...

An uneventful week, was made up by the amazing weekend which followed. =] Friday, we went to the Riviera, for a birthday party, and played Frisbee in the sand, ate delicious Russian cake, and got really tan! Although we couldn't swim in the Kazanka, a pretty but dirty river, we still got wet in the showers.
Through this adventure, we met a man with the smallest Speedo I've ever seen! After realizing he was showing off for us, we decided to ask him for a picture when we left the beach.
