Saturday, June 19, 2010

today i'm leaving for DC and i don't know when i'll have internet again... hopefully soon! although i'm SUPER excited, i'm pretty afraid of going out of country. i really hope i can avoid caviar as much as possible! i'm not at all fond of eating fish eggs. the idea of it really creeps me out. ewww and fish in general, i don't like it.
i'm almost done packing. i'm a few pounds over 44 =/ so i'm trying to prioritize, anddd add one more pair of shoes! they better fit!

going down memory lane...

its a BIG step for my ma to let me go to another country with people she knows nothing about. i'm the baby in the family, so its pretty understandable. to the right, is me as a baby! i'll always be my mom's baby; whether i'm sick at home or half way around the world. =] LOVE YOU MOM (and DAD... sort of hahaha)!

in january my mom let me host a russian student, Маша, from the Physical-Technical High School in Санкт-Петервург. we went to movies, malls, restaurants, all the norm! hopefully i'll create memories like this in Казан!

BTW don't call or text my cell phone. Solely email ( orrrrr send me something on facebook! =]

until later,